Cara Newby Receives LEA Edge Award
Yeo & Yeo, a leading Michigan Accounting firm, is pleased to recognize Talent Manager Cara Newby as the recipient of the 2018 Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) Edge Award for Unique Ability of a Non-accounting Professional. The recognition was announced at this year’s LEA Global Conference in San Diego, and this new award category recognizes a non-accounting professional for outstanding service to their organization.
Yeo & Yeo nominated Cara for successfully driving several recruiting and retention initiatives in less than 18 months to include
the launch of a Summer Leadership Program, implementation of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), development of an online-based New Employee Orientation
program, aiding in the creation of firm-wide Career Maps, overhauling the firm’s onboarding and mentor program, and streamlining several processes
resulting in increased efficiency throughout the firm.
This was in addition to day-to-day duties that included the review of over 7,000 incoming applications, conducting over 360 phone interviews, onboarding 60 new hires (seasonal and permanent), attending numerous career fairs and facilitating many presentations and trainings in the past year. Her motivation in fulfilling so many initiatives is driven through the goals set forth under the firm’s Career Advocacy Cornerstone and the Career Advocacy Team, of which Cara is a member.
“Cara is an energetic and passionate professional dedicated to proactively leading the firm’s recruitment and retention efforts and exceeding goals,” says Thomas Hollerback, President and CEO. “She’s made a significant impact as the firm’s first-ever Talent Manager.”
When not in the office, you will find Cara volunteering and participating in numerous nonprofit events throughout our communities.
This is the fifth Edge Award for Yeo & Yeo, including awards for Outstanding Diversity and Innovation, Process Improvement, and Cultural & HR Innovation.