Protect Against Cyberattacks

Why is Two-factor Authentication Important?


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2FA (two-factor authentication) should be a cybersecurity priority for every business. It’s no longer a nice-to-have — it could significantly reduce the risk of a security incident. When part of a robust and rigid set of cybersecurity protocols, it helps mitigate one of the biggest threats — unauthorized access via compromised passwords.

While 2FA isn’t new, the leaders in technology and applications, such as Microsoft and Google, now require it. The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) password guidelines recommend it. Let’s dive into the world of 2FA to discern why it’s such an effective cybersecurity measure.

Compromised Passwords Are the Leading Reason for Hacking-Related Breaches

According to the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 82 percent of breaches involved a human element, and 42 percent of those were credential-related. Unfortunately, users are the weakest link. You can deploy the most sophisticated layers of data security, encryption, enterprise-grade firewalls, and more. Still, they won’t stop hackers from gaining access to credentials.

By establishing a 2FA protocol, users need more than passwords to access applications. And you’ll need more than password guidelines that require “strong” ones to fortify your network against credential breaches.

NIST Digital Identity Guidelines Regarding 2FA

NIST password guidelines are for federal agencies. Private businesses can look to them as well as the gold standard. NIST recently revised its Digital Identity Guidelines to include the requirement of multi-factor authentication regarding securing any personal information available online.

To meet these guidelines, a user must demonstrate at least two of the following:

  • Something you know (i.e., password)
  • Something you have (i.e., device)
  • Something you are (i.e., fingerprint)

How Secure Are Your Logins?

In looking at the landscape of 2FA, the more factors you employ for authentication, the better. NIST states that two factors currently meet the highest security requirements. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look to include more as you mature your security posture.

Yeo & Yeo Technology can support your cybersecurity efforts and keep you in the loop about emerging threats regarding passwords and access control threats. Contact us today to learn more about our managed cybersecurity solutions.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Intermedia.

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