Yeo & Yeo’s Alex Wilson Appointed to LEA Global’s Young Professionals Steering Committee
Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Business Consultants, a leading Michigan accounting firm, is pleased to announce that Alex M. Wilson, CPA, Senior Accountant, has been appointed to the Young Professionals Steering Committee for the Leading Edge Alliance (LEA Global). LEA Global is an international professional association of more than 220 independently owned accounting and consulting firms in more than 100 countries.
As a member of the Young Professionals (YP) Steering Committee, Wilson will help coordinate YP efforts nationwide together with the other eight members of the Committee. Their goal is to ensure that YPs across the country have opportunities to help their firms grow and to stand out as industry leaders.
Wilson coordinates Yeo & Yeo’s participation in LEA Global Volunteer Days, held annually in June.Young professionals from member firms worldwide are encouraged to choose a charity they wish to support. Locally, Wilson leads Yeo & Yeo’s professionals firm-wide in donating time and money to local nonprofit organizations throughout Michigan; this year’s Volunteer Days will focus on animal causes.
Wilson works in collaboration with the firm’s Career Advocacy Team (CAT Team). Team members implement new policies and procedures and work to provide equal access to career development, assist women in advancing to leadership positions, and promote the successful integration of personal and professional lives.
“The CAT team recognizes and is consistently impressed with Alex’s leadership role here at Yeo & Yeo. When the CAT team decided to offer a new Summer Leadership Program for college accounting students – an idea brought forth by a few of the young professionals at the firm – Alex and his team stepped up and have been doing an exceptional job of organizing this event,” says John Haag, Principal and leader of the CAT Team.
In May 2017, Wilson attended the Michigan Young Professionals Network Statewide Conference in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. The two-day conference provided a forum for young professionals across the state to connect, build relationships, and share ideas about personal and professional growth. “I was able to connect with many local, young professionals who share the same desires and goals that I have. I learned how YPs can make a difference in both our companies and our communities, which I hope to demonstrate at Yeo & Yeo,” says Wilson.