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Reasons that it’s time to upgrade your home PC to Windows 10


If you use a PC at home, chances are you have received a notice to upgrade to Windows 10. Now there are some cases where older devices don’t qualify for the free upgrade, based on hardware and software requirements. For the most part, Microsoft wants to make your transition to Windows 10 as easy as possible. Here are some reasons you should consider making the upgrade.

It’s Free
Believe it or not, Windows 10 has already been around since July 29, 2015. Microsoft has made the upgrade free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices. Microsoft sees Windows 10 as a service and want to get it on as many devices as possible. Once you upgrade to Windows 10 your device will be upgraded to newest version of Windows for the duration of its life.

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No More Start Screen
One of the biggest issues with Windows 8 was the dreaded Start Screen. Windows 10 takes the best features from the Start Screen and combines it with the Start Menu we all know and love. It’s also fully customizable based on your specific likes. It works on both desktops and mobile devices. Think of it as a hybrid of Windows 7 and 8.

If you use multiple Windows devices, Windows 10 is a seamless transition for all of them. Windows 10 gives you a similar user experience on your mobile device that you will find on your PC.  

If you are using Windows 10 on your mobile device, laptop, and gaming system (Xbox One) you can stream your games and information across all of the Windows 10 devices. Your Windows devices are no longer separate entities!

Smaller installation size
Microsoft has said that Windows 10 uses a more efficient compression algorithm for files. Files can be 1.5 to 2.6 GB smaller, depending on your device. This opens up more space on your hard drive. 

There are many other great features of Windows 10 that aren’t listed here. But the most important thing to remember is to make sure that upgrading is right for you. If you’re device is running Windows 7 or higher, there’s really no reason not to upgrade. Just make sure your computer is equipped to run Windows 10 and doesn’t have any hardware or software conflicts. Here is a great way to check the compatibility of your PC. 

Also, remember that there is a difference between upgrading your home PC and your work PC. It’s important to note that if your work PC receives the Windows 10 update prompt that you do not click it. 


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